Janet Thomson
Janet Thomson has credentials to spare. She has earned a master’s degree in nutrition & exercise science, is an NLP master practitioner and trainer, a TFT diagnostic therapist and a registered clinical hypnotherapist. If that’s not enough, she has also established herself as a leader in the field of personal development and achievement, television presenter, and a best selling author.
Janet combines these qualifications into a power punch as a personal trainer and seminar speaker for the general public and the corporate sector. She also runs a very successful coaching and consultancy practice called Power to Change. She and her skills are in high demand.
Janet Thomson’s Theory
Janet’s approach works on changing your mind as well as your body. She helps the client to change their mind about how they feel about food, eliminate food cravings, learn to want to eat less, and change how they feel about themselves. This will increase their confidence and self-esteem in a way that will benefit them in all areas of their lives, not just weight loss alone.
Janet seems to be very inspirational and offers help with not only weight loss, but also phobias, trauma and anxiety, pain elimination, and breaking the addiction to smoking. All those that have worked with her seem to be very pleased and drawn to her likable upbeat personality.
While her books and services sell very well, she does not offer any magic pill or overnight solutions. The clients have dubbed her techniques as simple. From Janet’s standpoint, every problem that a person has to overcome must be overcome by changing how that person thinks. Though there is no doubt that Janet Thomson is well-educated and in high demand, it is near impossible to actually acquire her personal attention or services. This leaves those attempting to follow her advice to find their way alone by reading her books.